Spring Time in the Flats of Hilton Head

Spring Time in the Flats of Hilton Head

Fly fishing in Hilton Head Island in the spring is a true breath of fresh air, and this year it can't come soon enough.  This winter in the Lowcountry we have seen some of our lowest temperatures in years and we even experienced an "ice storm."   The prior winters have been mild and drawn out into the spring, so our hopes are high that with the extreme temperatures this winter, spring is coming soon.  This week we have gotten our first taste of spring with mid 70 degree temperatures, the fiddler crabs are beginning to come out of their holes and the redfish are starting to come out of this sluggish trans that they often get in during extended cold weather days.  For the next two months the redfish in our flats will become much more aggressive and will be apex predators among the gill bearing creatures in our marshes, and we are very excited at what the spring months have in store. 

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